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First Flush

First flush…. All the trash that has been sitting for months in the drain basins rushes out to sea with the first rain hitting LA. We can’t even fathom the true impact this has on marine life. Every straw refusal or one less plastic bag you use DOES make a difference.

After a light rain in LA a few weeks ago, this was the result of the rain runoff. The volume that’s visible to the naked eye is staggering, what about the toxins and chemicals that aren’t visible? Help make the connection to others that all trash that lingers on our streets and gutters washes directly into our oceans, rivers and lakes. If you are living in CA, vote to #banthebag #yeson67 to help reduce our plastic bag footprint. Every effort does make a difference.

Have you heard of Prop 67 that will be on the upcoming ballet? Chances are if you are following along on our journey, you are already a lover of the ocean and wildlife and will be voting YES on 67 to BAN the plastic bag! We need YOUR help reaching the broader public in California, to help them understand why we need to vote YES and ban the bag.

Click here for more information on beach cleanups.